Ads in editorial content - again. NYPost using IntelliTXT technology

Honestly, if it weren't for Tom Biro I probably would never have noticed it, being the die-hard FireFox user that I am. IntelliTXT is now in the New York Post. What is that you say? Oh remember when Forbes wanted to be "trailblazers" and suddenly served links in their articles that did not lead to more information about that word, but were bought words and popped up an ad when you hovered over it.
(Paid links, come get your paid links served IN editorial content.)
IntelliTXT is the same idea, not contextual links under words that pepper every article written. Lucky for me it does not work in firefox, however quite a few people are still driving around the web in Internet Explorer so they will see the nuisance that is IntelliTXT. For them "Contextual Targeting" means that in an article about teenagers and social development the word "development" will be a bought ad for "web developing". If you read the New York Post now, I suggest you switch to Firefox to escape the annoyance.

Update Friday 11:18 Looks like it was just a test run. Adrants reports that the text link ads were a mistake. In the New York Times today, Howard J. Rubenstein said: "That was a test of new technology that was not intended to be live. They have not debated or discussed it internally. They are not making any prediction whether they are going to use it."
My nagging you to try Firefox still stands though. ;)

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