Adland will host its first 10% conference to stand up for left-handed creatives.

It’s hard to believe we have to write this in 2016, but the advertising industry has not moved the needle in terms of diversity at all. It seems they’re more interested in living in a VR world of their own devising than facing the reality that they are still marginalizing a lot of people.

It’s a tragedy that left-handers make up just ten percent of the population. And yet they have received 100% of the bias in getting ahead. Did you know:

Only 10 percent of the population is left-handed. In advertising, the percentage is a paltry 8.3%.

Right-handed creatives can give themselves a raise by jumping to a different agency whenever they want. Left-handers are scared to do the same, because of the number of forms they have to sign. One creative actually told me she had her job offer rescinded during her first day because the person in HR “didn’t know she was one of those.”

But what did you expect. Left-Handers have always been the butt of Right-Handers jokes.

Since Ancient times, left-handedness has been associated with being wicked, ill-tempered and clumsy.

In more recent-history, the forced conversion to right-handedness caused dyslexia, stuttering and learning disorders.

Here’s a horrible fact: All of the tools designed for creatives, from a computer mouse to the door handle to the office supply areas are designed by right-handers. Can anyone say right-handed privilege?

After many years I can now share this story: In high school sewing class, I once asked a teacher for a pair of left-handed scissors. She called me “retarded.” It's taken me years to face this trauma, let alone attempt to pick up the pieces and get over it. I still blog about it to this day.

Thankfully, Dabitch understands that we live in a society where something must be done about right-handed privilege.

And so with her blessing, I am inviting you to Adland’s first 10% conference.
This will take place tonight in Los Angeles at The Tripel in Playa Del Rey. Dabitch wanted to have a simultaneous meet up in Stockholm but to show you how backward and Handrist a country like Sweden is, she could not secure the permits in time. Too many forms to sign. Isn't that always the way. For those who aren’t in the Los Angeles area, we will be streaming it live.

We’ll be handing out drink coupons to left-handers but all are welcome. There will be some special guests, and you’ll get a sneak peek at our upcoming conferences in San Francisco, New York, and anywhere else that will pay our speaking fees.

Some come out and join me, Kidsleepy, and our other Leftist friends. Let’s demand advertising increase that number to 10% and beyond.

Remember: Left is right!

April Fools!
Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
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