Adland banned from google adsense, thanks to Sloggi.

You know that I've hated the Sloggi ass campaign with a passion, now it seems I have another reason to hate Sloggi. I just found this sweet message from Google adsense:


While reviewing your account, we noticed that you are currently displaying Google ads in a manner that is not compliant with our policies. For instance, we found violations of AdSense policies on pages such as Please note that this URL is an example and that the same violations may exist on other pages of your website.

As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not permitted to place Google ads on pages with adult or mature content. This includes images or video content containing lewd or provocative poses, or close-ups of breasts, butts, or crotches.

So, no, if we're going to be able to talk about advertising here, some of them will have butts and boobs in them, and often be harshly criticized because they do. Clearly, we can't use Adsense if they find an old post from 2004 that shuts down our account today. You're ad folks here, what network out there is halfway decent?

edit: Yes, I know, the irony right? Interflora still advertising on bimbo-homophobic-hate-speech-blog Kissies....

update: This made headlines in Dagens Media (swedish adpress) today.

Update : Adland un-banned from Google Adsense, despite the many bare bottoms in advertising. June 3 2011

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Now Im worried that Paypal might stop by again. They didn't like us reporting on the Sophie Dahl Opium campaign. God forbid they'll see the Tom Ford ad in the "Sexist ads are bad for everyone" post. It's obvious whatever machines are flagging skin aren't reading the posts.

Dabitch's picture

I just read Tom Megginson (a.k.a @Creativetweets ) post at Work that matters, and he's a spotted a trend and boiled down the perfect comment on this idiocy here: Adult Content?

The argument is that this is a public forum: "There are kids on here, for God's sake!" But then again, these are the same kids who are exposed to the very ads we critique. If they are going to see T&A anyway, at least we provide instructional context on how to tell the difference between sexual exploitation and body-positive normalization.

THIS. That's all I can say. Well put.

claymore's picture

They don't seem very close-up to me.

Dabitch's picture

Hahahaha! I guess it depends on how close your nose is to the screen.

Neaner's picture

This doesn't even make any sense. Doesn't Sloggi use Google Adsense as a mediachannel?

Imanaddy's picture

It didn't last very long, did it? Recall last year:
Site changes "Also, we've added ... *gasp*.... banner ads."

So, banner ads on in August 2010 and banned in, when exactly?

Dabitch's picture

Keen observation, Imanaddy.

We had Google adsense before, but it never appeared to logged in adgrunts, because you were "rewarded" for logging in. ;) It only appeared to hit-&-run traffic, that is non-adgrunts, and not in very many areas of the site. (In fact we have a Google adsense account from way back in November 2004. )

Later we moved from Denmark to Sweden and since one could not change ones physical address in Adsense back then, we were advised by Google to open a new account. Did this, on a new gmail, very annoying to have to do that (this means I need two browsers open just to check adsense in one in email in another).

I turned it on full force in August, 2010. It lasted until January 2011. Late December (around christmas, thanks for that gift) the Sloggi ads were discovered. In other words, our most trafficated time of the year, superbowl season, was without any adsense income.

Imanaddy's picture

But that means that you were approved for not one, but two, adsense accounts, despite the Sloggi ads on the site that have been here since June 2004 when you kicked up a shitstorm about them.

It makes no sense at all.


Also got banned this week from google. They do send nice generic letters.....Have a great day on purpose!