Adidas - "Gimme the ball" (2006)

As a teenage couple watches, a large group of adidas football players, featuring Defoe, Cisse, Trezeguet, Robben and others, struggle to maintain possession of a lone soccer ball. Meanwhile, both earthly and supernatural foes attempt to steal it from them.

Ad Agency: 180 Amsterdam

Soundtrack Sabre Dance
Editing Company Final Cut
Post Production MPC LDN
Copywriter Ben Abramowitz
Copywriter Andy Fackrell
Executive Creative Director Andy Fackrell
Art Director Dario Nucci
Executive Agency Producer Peter Cline
Director Fredrik Bond
Line Producer Suza Horvat
Producer Debbie Turner
Agency Producer Cedric Gairard
Actor / Celebrity Djibril Cissé
Actor / Celebrity Jermain Defoe
Actor / Celebrity David Trézéguet
Actor / Celebrity Lukas Podolski
Actor / Celebrity Arjen Robben
Production Company MJZ
Account Supervisor Dan Gibson
Account Supervisor Stephanie Kafoury
Advertiser's Supervisor Uli Becker
Advertiser's Supervisor Arthur Höld
Lighting Director / Lighting Ben Seresin
Music Aram Khachaturian
Editor Rick Russell
Sound Design Company Soundelux

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