Adcolor awards honors Nick Cannon with "All Star" award

Nick Cannon, Soldedad O’Brien & Don Lemon

On Saturday night the ADCOLOR® AWARDS were held at The Beverly Hilton honoring professionals of color, diversity champions and companies in the advertising, marketing, media and public relations industries. Nick Cannon pictured left above, together with Soldedad O’Brien & Don Lemon, was honored with the All Star Award for his achievements in music, big screen, television and radio roles to his executive producer and charitable endeavors.

Hosted by CNN Anchor, Don Lemon, honorees included CAA Executive, Ryan Tarplay, Writer & Founder of #GirlsLikeUs Project, Janet Mock and Managing Director, Agency Business Development, Google, Torrence Boone. Additional presenters and attendees included Soledad O'Brien, Randy Jackson, Garcelle Beauvais, MC Hammer, Wilson Cruz and Laz Alonso with a performance by Elijah Blake and DJ Eric Cubeechee.

Also spotted at the awards, Perry Fair CCO from JWT Atlanta, looking sharp with his new accessory.

ADCOLOR® is a nonprofit 501(c) (6) organization whose mission is to celebrate and champion diversity in the advertising, marketing, media, and public relations industries. ADCOLOR® strives to create a network of outstanding diverse professionals and champions of diversity and inclusion by honoring their accomplishments and leveraging their stories as a road map for others to follow. By highlighting the achievements of African-American, American Indian/Native American, Asian Pacific-American, Hispanic/Latino, LGBT and other diverse professionals, students, and diversity and inclusion champions, ADCOLOR® aims to inspire the next generation of diverse professionals.
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