2007 Adland Roundup - The Ads - Part 4

It's time for the 4th and final installment of the 2007 Adland Roundup. While Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 looked mostly at TV or cinema spots, here we're checking out viral, print, outdoor and other media.

Best Viral Mockumentaries:
Naughty 2 Nice - Axe.

"Kittens are to soft what carbon fibre is to tough."
Trident - Trident Factory (2007) 4:50 (UK)

Triumph Bikes Viral

Best Twist:
Auntie Anne’s - Pretzel Girl (2007) 0:60 (USA)

Best Hip Old Granny:
Old lady does mashup for Mountain Dew

Smallest Pie Fight:
Samsung Mobile/Ultra Edition II - Millimetres Matter (2007) 1:11 (UK)

Possibly Most Successful Viral of the Year:
Viral of the week: Simpsons Avatar

Most Unappetizing Viral:
Draftfcb paints a picture of The Colonel for KFC

Best Finger Gesture:
The Australian Traffic Authority : "Speeding drivers have small penises"

Disappointing Follow-up Viral:
Smirnoff follows up Tea Partay with Boyz in the Hillz

Funniest Runway Viral:
Harvey Nichols Online Ad Goes Viral

Honary mention: accidental viral which is (honestly) a real ad:
Really silly ad for the Ukranian army - Tank cruising for babes!

Most Memorable:
Dexter viral campaign proves to be one of the most memorable of 2007 -
even if we have seen that trick about persnalising things many times

Best new twist on the consumer is your wife (and Tom Cruise-look-a-like):

And The consumer wants a divorce - updated.

Hank launch rounds up advertising's super stars

Grossest Print ad:
Aids info ad promotes monogamy with piercings

Best Wet Suit Ads:
Radiator "All the rubber you'll need"

Strangest Use of Nudity To Sell Paint:
Ripolin makes watching paint age interesting

Strangest Nudity and Sex for Selling Coffee:
Lavazza Coffee Advertising Gets Hot and Steamy - Requires "Beans that naked people have not been frolicking in" warning label!

Best Use of No Artwork:
Gosh Goodbye wrinkles - beauty ads in a different way

Nice Use of Double Page Spread:
Grey Stockholm wants you to enjoy the sun

Best Disney Spoof:
FAADA/Save The Children - Clare/Lucy (2007) Print (Spain)

Best Multi-Ad Interaction:
It's yogurt time!

Best Use of Rorschach-like tests:
Axe labs launched fragrance with science and playboy bunnies

Strangest Tourism Ad:
H. R. Giger does state tourism.

Stickiest Ads:
Hombre Magazine double page sticky spreads - Argentina print ads

Biggest Sling:
Interesting outdoor - giant sling.

Great Use of Media:
Save Electricity Billboard

Most Explosive Stunt:
Die Hard 4.0 explodes van in Sweden - Citizens of Stockholm get a little scared. But they ain't Boston.

Most Fabulous Use of Unusual Media:
Sweet Koo Strawberry Jam Point of Purchase

Very Cool Direct Mail:
Draft NZ goes blank for Vodafone

Contrapunto creates postcard for AMAM

Idea Graveyard for Getty Images

Most insane banner ads:
Banner ads created 'live' for SOL

Best Copy in Banner Ad Campaign:

Related Posts:
2007 Adland Roundup - A look back at the year in advertising
2007 Adland Roundup - The Ads - Part 1
2007 Adland Roundup - The Ads - Part 2
2007 Adland Roundup - The Ads - Part3

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